If you're in the process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you may be asked to have a friend, family member, or caregiver complete a Third Party Function Report. This form, also known as the SSA-3380-BK, is designed to provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) with valuable insights into your daily activities, limitations, and overall functioning. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the key steps and tips for completing this important form.
1. Choose the right person:
Select someone who knows you well and has regular interaction with you, such as a close family member, friend, or caregiver. This person should be able to provide accurate and detailed information about your daily activities and limitations.
2. Provide specific examples:
When describing your limitations, it's essential to be as specific as possible. Instead of simply stating that you have difficulty walking, provide concrete examples, such as "I can only walk for 10 minutes before needing to rest due to severe back pain." The more detailed the examples, the better the SSA can understand your situation.
3. Be honest and comprehensive:
It's crucial to provide an honest and complete picture of your daily challenges. Don't downplay or exaggerate your limitations. Be sure to include information about any assistance you require or adaptive devices you use to complete daily tasks.
4. Discuss the impact on daily activities:
Focus on how your impairments affect your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as personal care, household chores, and social interactions. Provide examples of activities you struggle with or can no longer do because of your condition.
5. Address good days and bad days:
Many people with disabilities experience fluctuations in their symptoms. It's important to discuss how your condition varies on good days versus bad days, and how often you experience each type of day.
6. Collaborate with the person completing the form:
Work closely with the person filling out the Third Party Function Report on your behalf. Schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss your daily experiences, challenges, and limitations in detail. This collaboration will help ensure that the information provided is accurate and comprehensive.
7. Review the completed form:
Before the Third Party Function Report is submitted, take the time to review the form for any errors, inconsistencies, or omissions. If necessary, provide additional information or clarification to ensure that the SSA has a clear understanding of your situation.
Remember, the Third Party Function Report is an opportunity for the SSA to gain a better understanding of how your impairments affect your daily life. By following these tips and providing detailed, accurate information, you can increase your chances of a successful disability claim. If you have any questions or concerns about the Third Party Function Report, don't hesitate to reach out to your disability attorney or advocate for guidance.